Saturday, November 16, 2019

5 Apps I Made $$$ With In 2019 (+50 Gig Economy Apps!)

In soon to be 2020, the number of websites and apps we can use to generate income is quite high, and continuously growing.

If you're looking for a list of those type of gig economy apps, here's an excellent resource:

"Best Gig Economy Apps:
50 Leading Apps to Find Work
and Live the Gig Economy"

The link above is to an article on the Wonolo Blog, which contains an extensive and thorough list of gig economy style apps that can be used to create cash flow.

(Wonolo is a company I have signed up with on their work app, but have not yet worked through. Although I can't speak for the work experience itself, the onboarding process was very simple! I was able to complete the process through the Wonolo App in a matter of minutes.)

In this article you're reading right now, I will be covering specific work-apps and my own personal experience with them. I will begin with the most lucrative App, and work my way down to least lucrative, or "hobby" gigs.

Here are 5 apps I used to make money in 2019:

The HandyPro App

- is an internet based house-cleaning and handyperson service. I signed up in the North Bay Area (CA), and could earn $20/hr for one-time clients or first-time gigs, and $25/hr with return jobs. The cool thing about HandyPro is that it's a nation-wide service! As a cleaner, you can receive reviews and ratings through your mandatory profile. I do find it helpful that you can take a portfolio of reviews and clients with you anywhere in the US.

I have not worked any gigs other than house and office cleaning through HandyPro, but they do offer an extensive list of home services. It only took me about 15 minutes to sign up online! I simply took a quiz that let me know if I was qualified for the position as a house cleaner, uploaded a few documents and I was ready to "claim" my first gig on the app.

The ZodiacTouch App
 - is an internet based psychic-read service. As a "Psychic Advisor" you can offer various services on the site. I personally offer tarot reads, among other services. It is set up so that customers usually receive the first 3 minutes free, which is a great because these free reads do not get to give reviews. A review can only be given if a client chooses to proceed to a paid read. This seems sneaky, mostly because they don't mention this off the bat; BUT this actually helps to build a portfolio of reviews from people that chose your work, because of the way you did it. I truly can't express enough how validating this feeling is, particularly in this line of mystic work!

You can charge anywhere from $1.99 to $14.99/minute. You will receive reads as customers request them, and must perform them at that time. You do have the option of offering reads and services via instant messaging or phone call. There is a registration process, and it does take multiple days for verification, etc. This is also helpful because it helps them to build an enormous client base founded in trust between client and reader. This is an excellent way to begin to promote your work if you are unsure about how to begin in this field!

The Instagram App
 - Good ol' Insta! There have been some drastic algorithm changes since earlier days of Instagram, when our feed was chronologically based and internet traction was easier to gain. These days, however, it's said that Instagram is reworking itself from a mass marketing style of networking, to "relationship-based marketing.

ProTip - The new algorithm is said to be following these 3 principles:

I like to market several of my personal side hustles here, which has included selling homemade accessories, art, and DM or email based tarot reads, star-charts and more. Really, the possibilities are endless once you begin to use IG as a hub or directory, or even sell your products directly. (PayPal and Venmo are excellent apps for receiving verified payments!)

The Depop App
 - all about unique and Vintage fashion! I did sell a few items on here, and it was a fun experience. It was easy enough to set up an account and profile. Heads-up, you cannot change your username! Your shopname yes, but not your @username. I feel if you are very dedicated and focused here as a Vintage Seller, there is a lot of potential to make money!

Personally, it wasn't "my thing", but I sold a few pieces and was definitely inspired by some very successful accounts on there as well.

The Etsy App/SellOnEtsy
 - was once a world of mainly handmade goods, but that has definitely changed in recent years! These days, I feel it is more geared toward any sort of personalized brand, still with a heavy dose of handcrafted quality items. I have made 87 sales to date, so this is definitely a fruitful endeavor if you have products to sell, and an excellent way to learn about small business through experience!

There is also the SellOnEtsy App that allows access to various account statistics, which is really helpful if you're advertising on multiple platforms and want to see what's bringing your shop the most internet traction.

(There is so much to say about Etsy! Let me know if you'd like to read a post exclusively on that.)

There are 5 Apps I Made Money With in 2019! I always appreciate feedback and topic suggestions, feel free to contact me here or on IG!

-Sunwater R.M.K.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Rise of "The Gig Economy"

As the term gains recent traction, many are asking, "What is Gig Economy?"

The gig economy is a term given to those areas of service within the work world that are completed through short-term contracts. Client contracts can be one-time, or repeated.This type of work is often referred to as freelancing, or independent contracting.

In past decades, serious skill was required to maintain a full schedule in the gig economy. In more recent years, there has been a definitive and rising trend of this type of work available. With the evolution of app software and technology, it has now become easier than ever to become a freelancer, or independent contractor.

An app isn't what makes work part of the gig economy, but many apps are considered part of the gig economy. Some well-known apps like this that you recognize may include Lyft, Uber, DoorDash, InstaCart, HandyPro, and many more.

The gig economy differs from the societal norms of work, in the sense that there is not a set schedule. This invokes an entirely different work experience when it comes to scheduling, budgeting, job flexibility, and presentation.

While the spectrum of opinion on what this means is as diverse as the work world itself, the fact remains, it has never before in history been this accessable to become a successful freelancer or independent contractor. 

It seems the integration of websites and apps into the Gig Economy is in many ways allowing us the opportunity, as workers, to place power back in our own hands.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

"Bringing Light" to the Role of PG&E in the Kincade Fire

SONOMA COUNTY, CA - Despite the efforts of mainstream media to frame California fires as effects of global warming, mounting evidence continues to make it clear that the Kincade Fire was caused by PG&E equipment malfunction. Like many others, this fire appears to have been ignited due to the error of machinery used by public utility company, Pacific Gas & Electric.

This is far from the first incident of this nature.

Live Video Footage:
Ignition of Kincade Fire
This disaster was initially ignited near faulty equipment on a transmission tower, within an area known as The Geysers, located Northeast of Geyserville. Footage shows the initial spark at 9:20pm.

This story is continuously presented as though there is question as to whether or not PG&E has played a role in recent and countless fires in the State of California; one of the most recent fires being the currently active Kincade Fire, in North Bay's Sonoma County.

A wedding photo
taken at time of the fire at
Chateu St. Jean, in Kenwood, CA.

This is one fire amongst decades worth, that has been linked to the equipment malfunction and error of PG&E. Despite publicly available research and evidence proving otherwise, these fires are still often referred to as "wildfires" by local and national news-source media.

These fires are often presented as effects of global warming. While rising temperatures do play a variable factor in these fires, they are by no means what's causing them.

This particular incident was caught on camera by the Barham Peak ALERT Wildfire Cam, stationed near Santa Rosa. (see link above)

Crews that fight blaze consist of firefighters and trained prisoners.

PG&E has stated that faulty equipment components were found on a transmission tower near where the Kincade fire began on the night of October 23rd. Various resources have reported only vague information as to what equipment was found.

Although predicted windstorms had prompted the freshly introduced Public Safety Power Shutoffs in surrounding power grids, PG&E left currents to this specific high voltage stretch of transmission lines live.

PG&E officials have stated that these lines were still active, because the wind had not reached speeds appropriate for initiating shutdown protocol.

The public utility company did not consider that area high risk, and still stands firmly behind the decision to leave that tower active.

PG&E maintains that an outage was filed and registered for this particular tower at 9:20 pm, approximately 7 minutes before the first visible footage of the fire can be seen.

This is not the first time in roughly 2 years that entire communities have been burned to the ground in Sonoma County, let alone throughout the entire State of California, due to faulty and outdated equipment endorsed by PG&E.

The company-created safety measures do nothing to address the lethal issues that PG&E has grown notorious for in recent decades. They continue to frame the story as if weather patterns are the risk-factor dangerously at play; when it is indeed their own equipment, which has sparked much controversy in recent years.

Millions of residents have been affected by the power shutoffs, losing power for days at a time. Nearly 200,000 citizens have undergone mandatory evacuation over the course of the Kincade Fire alone, while other similar fires have occurred in many places throughout the state.

All of the roughly 2.7 million residents throughout 29 counties have been deeply affected by these Public Safety Power Shutoffs. As we can see, these shutoffs do nothing to prevent the malfunction of faulty equipment, let alone these highly tragic, foreseeable (and often locally predicted) events.

Amongst some of those hit the hardest are disabled people requiring equipment to survive, many of whom were left without inclusive evacuation planning or medical assistance during the effects of the Public Safety Power Shutoffs and mandatory evacuations.

Bay Area locals and organizations
express the dire severity of the situation.

As individuals and families, we are left to make the most of what's left, yet again. As communities we dive back into the multi-faceted processes of internal and external recovery; from not only the devastation of the fires, but from the setbacks millions of us will face "in light" of these events.

For many, those setbacks include lost work, emergency evacuation costs, late bill fees, and other more immediate concerns; such as perishable resources like food and medicine, for humans, as well as animals, and so much more.

It was recently reported that PG&E has admitted to ongoing investigation for it's suspected connection to 5 of the Bay Area's recent fires.

Read more on these 5 fires here: 

#TheMoreYouKnow The area referred to as "The Geysers" (mentioned above) is the world's largest geothermal field, currently containing a complex of 22 geothermal plants. These plants exist atop one of many stolen indigenous #SacredSites in California. Indigenous tribes including bands of the Pomo, Wappo, and Miwok people, utilized  the health benefits and natural properties of the steam-baths produced by these natural geysers for over 12,000 years, prior to the theft and colonization of these natural wonders.


To Be Continued.



5 Apps I Made $$$ With In 2019 (+50 Gig Economy Apps!)

In soon to be 2020, the number of websites and apps we can use to generate income is quite high, and continuously growing. If you're l...